Elvis is a chatbot for managing todo, deadline, event for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI).
Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
Download the latest Elvis.jar
from here.
Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Elvis.
Open a command terminal, cd
into the folder you put the jar file in, and run the following command: java -jar Elvis.jar
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
/\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \
/::\ \ /::\____\ /::\____\ /::\ \ /::\ \
/::::\ \ /:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\ \ /::::\ \
/::::::\ \ /:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\ \ /::::::\ \
/:::/\:::\ \ /:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \
/:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/ / /:::/____/ \:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \
/::::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ / |::| | /::::\ \ \:::\ \:::\ \
/::::::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ / |::| | _____ ____ /::::::\ \ ___\:::\ \:::\ \
/:::/\:::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ / |::| | /\ \ /\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /\ \:::\ \:::\ \
/:::/__\:::\ \:::\____\ /:::/____/ |::| | /::\____\ /::\ \/:::/ \:::\____\ /::\ \:::\ \:::\____\
\:::\ \:::\ \::/ / \:::\ \ |::| | /:::/ / \:::\ /:::/ \::/ / \:::\ \:::\ \::/ /
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\/____/ \/____/ \/____/ \/____/
Checking if "tasks.txt" already exists...
File does not exist.
Creating new file...
File created successfully.
Hello! I'm ELVIS
What can I do for you?
and pressing Enter
will open the help page).
Some example commands you can try:
: Lists all contacts.bye
: Exits the app.Notes about the command format:
are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
e.g. in todo TASK_TO_DO
is a parameter which can be used as todo read books
If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.
Shows the help page.
Format: help
No worries, I'm here to help!
---------------------------HELP PAGE----------------------------
1. To add a todo, type "todo + {description}"
Example: todo borrow book
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][ ] borrow book
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.
2. To list out all the tasks, type "list"
Example: list
Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][X] read book
2.[T][X] join sports club
3.[T][ ] borrow book
3. To add a deadline, type "deadline + {description} + /by + {date time}"
Example: deadline return book /by 2023/09/23 1800
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][ ] return book (by: 2023-09-23 18:00)
Now you have 4 tasks in the list.
4. To add an event, type "deadline + {description} + /from + {date time} + /to {date time}"
Example: event project meeting /from 2023-09-23 1800 /to 2023-09-23 1900
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][ ] project meeting (from: 2023-09-23 18:00 to: 2023-09-23 19:00)
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.
5. {date time} should be written in this format:
Date: dd/mm/yyyy OR yyyy-mm-dd
- Example: 09/11/2023 OR 2023-11-09
Time: HHmm OR HH:mm in 24-Hr format
- Example: 1800 OR 18:00
NOTE: There should be a spacing between the date and time
6. To delete a task, type "delete + {task number}"
Example: delete 5
Noted. I've removed this task:
[E][ ] project meeting (from: 2023-09-23 18:00 to: 2023-09-23 19:00)
Now you have 4 tasks in the list.
-------------------------HELP PAGE END--------------------------
Adds a todo to the Tasklist.
Format: todo TASK_TO_DO
Example: todo read books
todo read books
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][ ] read books
Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.
Adds a deadline to the Tasklist.
Format: deadline TASK_TO_DO /by DATE TIME
Example: deadline return book /by 2023/06/28 1300
deadline return book /by 2023/06/28 1300
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][ ] return book (by: 28/06/2023 1300)
Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.
Adds an event to the Tasklist.
Format: event TASK_TO_DO /from DATE TIME /to DATE TIME
Example: event project meeting /from 2022-08-06 1300 /to 6-8-2022 1500
event project meeting /from 2022-08-06 1300 /to 6-8-2022 1500
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][ ] project meeting (from: 06/08/2022 1300 to: 06/08/2022 1500)
Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.
Lists all tasks in the Tasklist.
Format: list
[T][ ]...
, where T stands for todo.[D][ ]...
, where D stands for deadline.[E][ ]...
, where E stands for event.X
(e.g. [T][X]...
). ____________________________________________________________
Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][ ] read books
2.[D][ ] return book (by: 28/06/2023 1300)
3.[E][ ] project meeting (from: 06/08/2022 1300 to: 06/08/2022 1500)
Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.
Finds all tasks in the Tasklist that matches the keyword.
Format: find
Example: find book
Note: Do note that the search is case-sensitive.
find book
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T][ ] read books
2.[D][ ] return book (by: 28/06/2023 1300)
Deletes a specific task in the Tasklist.
Format: delete INDEX
Example: delete 3
delete 3
Noted. I've removed this task:
[E][ ] project meeting (from: 06/08/2022 1300 to: 06/08/2022 1500)
Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.
Marks a specific task in the Tasklist.
Format: mark INDEX
Example: mark 2
mark 2
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][X] return book (by: 28/06/2023 1300)
Unmarks a specific task in the Tasklist.
Format: unmark INDEX
Example: unmark 2
unmark 2
OK, I've marked this task as not done yet:
[D][ ] return book (by: 28/06/2023 1300)
Exits the program
Format: bye
Bye. Hope to see you again soon!
Tasklist data are saved in the hard disk automatically after every valid command changes the data. There is no need to save manually.
Q: Why do I get the Invalid Date/Time input
A: Ensure there is only 1 whitespace between date and time.
Q: I found a bug! What do I do? A: Great! Please contact Min, your help is greatly appreciated!
Action | Format, Examples |
help | help |
todo | Format: todo TASK_TO_DO Example: todo read books |
deadline | Format: deadline TASK_TO_DO /by DATE TIME Example: deadline return book /by 2023/06/28 1300 |
event | Format: event TASK_TO_DO /from DATE TIME /to DATE TIME Example: event project meeting /from 2022-08-06 1300 /to 6-8-2022 1500 |
list | Format: list |
find | Format: find Example: find book |
delete | Format: delete INDEX Example: delete 3 |
mark | Format: mark INDEX Example: mark 2 |
unmark | Format: unmark INDEX Example: unmark 2 |
bye | Format: bye |